Total: 24 15 12 6 7 5 10 6 8 12 3/14/2022 14:47
Facilities 19 11 12 6 3 5 5 6 6 9  
Provisions 5 4 0 0 4 0 5 0 2 3  
Location: VidCen 15D HGL EP   10C PW 5Points   Lawn CRITERIA
Proprieter: #1 #1 #2 #2 #3 #4 #5 #7 #9 #B  
A x x x x x x x x x x Mandatory: A gaming table of sufficient size to allow comfortable seating by participants, with each participant being able to hold cards or other gaming items in a location where routine observation by other participants can not occur.
B x x                 Mandatory: MERV 16 fair filters
C 1 1 1   1           One point extra if table is oval or circular (if 5 or more gamers present)
D x x x x x x x x x x Mandatory: Minimum of one TV hooked up to an external source of programming such that most sporting events that are generally viewable in the area on standard cable can be observed by the participants.
E 2 2   2     2 2 2 2 Add two points for each HDTV with HDTV service,
F 10 2 1 1       1     Add one point for each EXTRA TV viewable from the gaming table showing either primary programming or secondary programming
G 2 1 1               Add one point if multiple TV’s viewable from the gaming table can be changed simultaneously to show primary programming and one point if multiple such TV’s can be changed simultaneously to show secondary programming.
H       1           1 Add one point for availability of working refrigerator within arms reach of any one gaming participant.
I                     Subtract one point if nearest working refrigerator is on another floor.
J 1 1 1 1   1 1 1 1 1 One point for availability of rest room facilities on the same level of the house as the gaming table.  A rise of more than 7 steps shall count as a separate level.
K 1 2 6     3   1 1 3 One point for useful availability of non-board/card/dice games (with complete set of equipment) and each piece of other athletic equipment usable by multiple beyond one player
L 1 1 1 1 1   1   1 1 One point for availability of smoking facilities protected from rain.
M 1 1 1   1 1 1 1 1 1 One point for ability to produce an eclectic mix of 60’s, 70’s and 80’s Rock ‘n’ Roll.
N x x x x x x x   x x Mandatory: availability of salt-based snack food products (SBSFP).
O 2 2     1   2     2 One extra point for nuts; one extra point if more than 3 types of SBSFP are available.
P 1 1     1   1   1 1 One extra point for availability of chocolate or chocolate-based snack food products (CBSFP)
Q 1       1   1       One extra point for hot hor's d'oeuvres (winter or other cold weather event)
S 1 1     1   1   1   One extra point for icecream (summer or other warm weather event) (in addition to points for CBSFP)
PP1 1           1       One extra point for each fruit based (FBSFP) or vege based (VBSFP) snack food products (should be mandatory?)
PP2 1                   One extra point for second gaming table within viewable range of at least half of the TV's credited in criteria C-F
PP3                     Add --or tertiary-- after "secondary" in each of criteria E-F
PP4 1                   Modify criteria G to specify primary or secondary gaming table
PP5 1                   Modify criteia J to include dominoes
PP6 1                   Knowledge of facility's wireless code
PP7 1                   Add criteria re pickle-based SFP